A Chronicled Adventure of Making

Neat Things I Found

I found a couple of new things this past week in no particular order. I’m sharing! Yaaay for sharing.

CamScanner for the iphone

This app is super neat if you want to share pictures you’ve drawn but either don’t have a decent scanner or you don’t have a scanner at all because the one you’ve been using for the past… 13 years has finally bit the dust. It also has an OCR feature that I can’t vouch for because it said one of my drawings contains a semi colon. Before and after!

The End

This game is super cool. You die immediately (Whoo!) and go to what I would describe as a type of purgatory. It’s a platform puzzle game where you can use your light power to create shadows you can walk on! At the end of each level you’re given a thought provoking question. Each one draws you closer and closer to a famous figure you’re most like. I find it to be a lot of fun but a word of caution: You must be patient! It takes an unfortunate amount of time to load. But I still think it’s worth it.


This game is a lot of fun with 3 or more players, but you can play 2 player with some mods. Coup is all about deception or at the very least an ability to figure out when some one’s lying or know how to make yourself look like you’re lying!


If you’re getting tired of the limitations of ActiveRecord then maybe it’s high time you tried Sequel. Sequel utilizes a plug-in system. You only take what you need and leave the rest of the junk behind. Because of this, it’s far faster to load. Learn more about the benefits of Sequel vs ActiveRecord.

Shrinky Dinks!

I remember making these when I was a kid. Inspired by a few photos I saw, I searched for a way to make them myself. Queue in some #6 courtesy of Trader Joe’s Vegetable egg rolls and a few minutes later I was burning my hands with hot plastic. I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I might have fingers used to the burn from my ridiculously fast typing… or because I pick things up with my bare hands when they’ve only been out of the oven for a minute, but definitely wait a moment before picking these up. Try this out. It’s fun, easy, cheap, and the only limit is how far out of the box you can think. I’m planning on making some earrings and stitch markers once I’m in possession of a hole punch. But check out the trial runs!